Nigerian Sakawa boy who eats excreta (shit) for money rituals
For the reason that, Nigeria boy who reportedly eats excreta (shit) as part of an instruction outlined for money making rituals.

Watch Nigerian Sakawa man in video below

He consumed faeces for money making rituals as never before.

 Unknown to this Sakawa boy, the faeces came in layers.

 Faeces came with uncompromising stature according to GhanaSky.com analyst.

 Another Sakawa boy was telling his friend that the last excreta (shit) they brought was smelling very terribly.

 But, he said he just managed to use little amount to eat bread and then threw away the remaining in the neighbors trash.

 His friend was laughing and then told him to just tell the guys that bring it not to bring the one that smells too much.

 GhanaSky.com couldn’t believe our ears, what we were hearing?

What is Sakawa? The Anatomy of a Sakawa Scam:

Sakawa is a Ghanaian term for illegal practices which combine modern Internet-based fraud with fetish rituals.

 The rituals are intended to spiritually manipulate victims so that the scammer's fraud is successful.

 The term Sakawa initially referred to specific online scams.

 Finally, Sakawa target is foreigners.

  Source: GhanaSky.com - The sky is our limit  

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